Warehousing, conveyor systems

The conveyor system for storage is divided into two categories.

The basic feature of the static warehouse sklad košile is the rack system. Between the racks is disposed a charging path, which serves for laying of the material and removed. The disadvantage of a static warehouse consists in over-hanging (handling in addition against a dynamic warehouse). This warehouse is suitable if we have small quantities from each item and the expedition is done in the style of "buying". The operator walks through the shelves and places the required pieces on the trolley. These then move a conveyor system for loading.

The dynamic warehouse systemsklad D is mainly used for storing and handling a larger number of items. When loading, the operator takes the entire train and puts it in the field. During the subsequent pick again takes the whole train and taken it to load.

The conveyor system can be a multi-storey, thanks this option can be stored a larger quantities at the same space.

Another interesting possibility is the using the conveyor system in production. dopravník výroba

For transport are used so-called trolleys.

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